"Your Black is without meaning"

May 25, 2023

An excerpt from author MeShorn Daniels recent book ,I am not your black, America ( Release Date: March 11, 2023 )

"What is Your Black? Let me answer you; it sits in the nooks and crannies of your societies. It languishes in the hood, in the ghettoes upholding your endless skyscrapers. Your Black provides you with an endless supply of labor without a penny’s cost; Your Black sits in the prisons, feeding a military-industrial complex that never stops. Your Black is an idea, amorphous and easy to apply or withdraw; what is ‘Black’ today is universal tomorrow.  Your Black is without meaning. It is shaped by carrots and sticks, false hopes, and prison walls. It is a representation, and I am not – my name is Me’Shorn Tyrone Floyd Daniels, and I refuse to fit into your construct. I am not merely a color, and I am not a race-identity for you to construct; I am a man. You cannot make me anything other than who I am.  You clamor to represent me and the rest of us in your media, in the stories devised by you and for you, yet, the flaw is in the name. Representation; it is only a surface-image, nothing but an illusion you perpetuate at your pleasure. I am not your lie; I am the truth underneath."

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